Practice Parameters for the Use of Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Treatment of Chronic Neuropathic Pain

Cost Effectiveness in CRPS

Is SCS cost effective in the treatment of CRPS?


Strength of recommendation Evidence source(s)/criteria
A = Recommended or required
Valid, useful, or non-negotiable
  • Well-designed RCT
  • Weighing risk versus potential benefit and expert consensus reveals a high likelihood of a favorable outcome

Taylor RS, Van Buyten J-P, Buchser E. Spinal cord stimulation for complex regional pain syndrome: A systematic review of the clinical and cost-effectiveness literature and assessment of prognostic factors. Eur J Pain 10(2):91–101, 2006.

Kemler MA, Furnee CA. Economic evaluation of spinal cord stimulation for chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurology 59:1203-1209, 2002.
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